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DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth"

Over a period of 6 years, DFG is funding research projects within its SPP framework (DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm) "Building a Habitable Earth". The SPP will contribute to the still open question how Earth became the only known habitable planet.


In a concerted approach the SPP will address this eminent issue by involving different earth science disciplines like geology, geochemistry, planetology, cosmochemistry, geobiology and geophysical modelling.

The three most critical topics central to this SPP are

  • the compositions and sources of Earth’s building materials
  • the Earth’s early internal processing into crust, mantle, and core
  • the evolution of the ocean-atmosphere system.

SPP participants will cover these topics by studying ancient rocks samples and extraterrestrial samples available as meteorites or from space missions.

These investigations will be complemented by sophisticated modelling approaches and laboratory experiments.

SPP 1833 “Building a Habitable Earth” is steered by a Scientific Programm Committee of high profile German earth scientists jointly with an Early Career Scientist Committee to promote young scientists in the field.          


SPP at a glance
Funding period2015-2021
Scientific CoordinatorCarsten Münker (University of Cologne)
DFG-Contact Person

Dr. Tim Haarmann (0228-885-2328, tim.haarmann(at)    oder
Ursula Overath (0228-885-2758, ursula.overath(at)

Coordination OfficeSPP-1833(at)