August: | The DFG grants funding of 24 projects for the second funding period of the SPP 1833 |
August, 18-25: | Field Workshop of the SPP 1833 in Canada |
May 15: | The exhibition "Die Erde im Archaikum" opens for the public at the Geomuseum of the University of Cologne |
March, 29-31: | Third General SPP colloquium in Göttingen |
March, 6-9: | Workshop Radiogenic and Non-traditional Isotopes: Analytical Methods and Applications in Frankfurt |
November 15: | Deadline for the Call for Proposals |
August, 28 - September 6: | Field Workshop Pilbara, Australia |
July 24: | Call for Proposals for the second funding period of the SPP 1833 |
March, 29-31: | Second General SPP colloquium in Jena' |
March, 27-29: | Workshop Archean Surface Environments in Jena |
March, 7-9: | Workshop Radiogenic and Non-traditional Isotopes: Analytical Methods and Applications in Frankfurt |
February, 20-24: | Workshop High Pressure Experimental techniques and application to Earth‘s Interior in Bayreuth |
August, 18-27: | Field Workshop Barberton, South Africa |
April, 6-8: | First general SPP colloquium in Cologne, including Initial Training Workshop |
May, 30 - June, 3: | Geomicrobiology Workshop in Tuebingen |
August | Second Meeting of the Scientific Programme Committee at Goldschmidt conference 2015 in Prague |
End of July | DFG funding decision will be presumably communicated to the applicants |
November | SPP at EAG blog by Elizabeth D. Swanner |
December | Deadline for the First Call for Proposals |
August | First Call for Proposals |
July | First Meeting of the Scientific Programmee Committee at the University of Cologne |
May | SPP 1833 Website is launched |
April | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is funding the SPP framework "Building a Habitable Earth" SPP 1833 |